Hundreds of WAys

Proposition Set the intention to be open and available to fall into love with any manifestation of the Earth — to kneel with Rumi 62 times during a turn around the Sun. Attend the gatherings (CLICK HERE) or retreats (CLICK HERE) Introduction Meister Eckhart, the 14th-century Christian mystic, suggests we should fall in love at least three … CONTINUE READING

Love & the ecological crisis

What does Falling in Love with the Earth have to do with the ecological crisis?  Human beings are like the fish in this cartoon. Two little fish in the ocean. One fish swims by and asks, “How is the water?” The other says, “What the heck is water?”   We have, as human beings in a capitalist, … CONTINUE READING

Backstory: Why 62X?  

I am turning 62 this year and I was born in 1962.  Apparently this makes this my Beddian birthday; a Beddian birthday is when you are the same age as the year you were born.  My imagination went to the possibilities of how I might mark and enjoy the year. With Rumi, Mary Oliver and … CONTINUE READING

Make a poem

Reflections from the third gathering of Becoming Eco-mystics  The focus of the third gathering of Becoming Eco-mystics included a group reflection on our current norm of feeling separate from the Earth. We are each one thread among many in the tapestry of the biosphere: interdependent, interconnected, impacted by and impacting everything.  But we live as if this … CONTINUE READING

Love is…

Reflections of the Second Gathering of Becoming Eco-mystics Disconcertingly, as people were arriving in the Zoom room for the second session of Becoming Eco-mystics, 80 percent of them had the same name: mine, “Sarah Arthurs.” This was a deliciously timed irony, because the prompt for the first activity was a quote from Iris Murdoch. “Love … CONTINUE READING


Reflections on the First Gathering of Becoming Eco-mystics First-timers are welcome at every session.  Thirty-seven of the 70 people who registered came to the first gathering of Becoming Eco-mystics. They were from as far away as Bolivia, many from the United States, and the rest from Canada. As the registration numbers grew, my question became, … CONTINUE READING

What is An Eco mystic?

Karl Rahner said, “If the church is going to survive, perhaps we all need to become mystics.” Perhaps If we humans are going to survive on the Earth, we need to become eco-mystics.   And what, on Monday morning, is that?   I think a mystic is someone who periodically and/or pervasively has a sense of being … CONTINUE READING

Haiku festival

Mist in the valleyAlberta blue skyLazy afternoon Green foil unwrappedBitter sweetnessSoul food Clouds are racingDogs are barkingTime stands still Alicia Dykstra Soft brown fieldsMountain tops awash in bright pinkFire within burns Busy bees dust themselves with crocus pollenI walk and pause, in relationship with the landEven the dried thistles have their place I pause on … CONTINUE READING

Green Exodus Updates & events

Dear friends and members of the Green Exodus Community,  We are glad to share that Green Exodus has been welcomed as a new ministry within the United Church of Canada.  This has provided us with some allocated funding for three years pending the ongoing  generative nature of our work.  What is happening as a result?   … CONTINUE READING

The New Confession

Working within the space provided by Creation Spirituality we need the equivalent”ish” of  confession in our Christian tradition  – we need a way to bring to mind what we are part of and who and what we are. Within the space of Green Exodus this is very much shaped by our exposure to a deepening practice … CONTINUE READING