David Korten
Read David’s latest paper, in which he connects the dots to engage a serious conversation about the causes of the existential crisis we face, while bringing a message of hope and possibility
“Humans are a choice-making species with a common future faced with an epic choice. We can continue to seek marginal adjustments in the culture and institutions of the Imperial Civilization of violence, domination, and exploitation that put us on a path to self-extinction. Or we can transition to an Ecological Civilization dedicated to restoring the health of living Earth’s regenerative systems while securing material sufficiency and spiritual abundance for all people.”

Pursuing deep thinking and moral imagination, social courage and joy, to renew inner life, outer life, and life together
The On Being Project is a nonprofit media and public life initiative. We make a public radio show, podcasts, and tools for the art of living. Six grounding virtues guide everything we do. We explore the intersection of spiritual inquiry, science, social healing, community, poetry, and the arts. We’re offering ongoing special content for this moment, including conversations about race and healing, “care packages” for care givers and uncertain times, and a new way to experience poetry.
An online publication with an annual print edition
It has always been a radical act to share stories during dark times. They are a regenerative space of creation and renewal. As we experience the desecration of our lands and waters, the extinguishing of species, and a loss of sacred connection to the earth, we look to emerging stories. In them we find the timeless connections between ecology, culture, and spirituality.
Hello, Kith. My name is Maria Popova.
I am a reader and writer, and I write about what I read here on Brain Pickings — my one-woman labor of love exploring what it means to live a decent, substantive, rewarding life. Founded in 2006 as a weekly email to seven friends, eventually brought online and now included in the Library of Congress permanent web archive, it is a record of my own becoming as a person — intellectually, creatively, spiritually, poetically — drawn from my extended marginalia on the search for meaning across literature, science, art, philosophy, and the various other tentacles of human thought and feeling.
What is the Tyee?
We’re an independent, online news magazine from B.C. founded in 2003. We’re devoted to fact-driven stories, reporting and analysis that informs and enlivens our democratic conversation. Our reporting has changed laws, started movements and garnered numerous awards. While some journalism gives the last word to power, we try to give the last word to ordinary folks.
Our name? It’s pronounced Tie-yee.
Tyee is a Chinook word drawn from the Nuu-chah-nulth language, which means leader. It has come to mean, as well, a Chinook or spring salmon over 30 pounds. That’s our mascot. The Tyee, feisty and swimming free.
A nonprofit, independent publisher of solutions journalism
Through rigorous reporting on the positive ways communities are responding to social problems and insightful commentary that sparks constructive discourse, YES! Media inspires people to build a more just, sustainable, and compassionate world.
By Bill Phipps (former moderator of the UCC)
• Margaret klein Salamon, “Facing the Climate Emergency”
• Elizabeth Kolbert, “Under a White Sky”, “The Sixth Extinction”
• Mark Jaggard, “Citizen’s Guide to Climate Success”
• Charles Eisenstein, “Climate – A New Story”, “The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible”
• Jim Antal, “Climate Church, Climate World”
• Joanna Macy and Chris Johnson, “Active Hope”
• Joanna Macy and Molly Brown, “Coming Back to Life”
• Joanna Macy, “World as Lover, World as Self”
• Thich Nhat Hanh, “Love Letter to the Earth”
• Pope Francis, “On Care for Our Common Home – Laudato Is”
• Naomi Klein, “On Fire”, “This Changes Everything”
• Tom Rand, “The Case for Climate Capitalism”
• Thomas Homer-Dixon, “Commanding Hope”
• Jason Kickel, “Less is More”
• Elin Kelsey, “Hope Matters”
• Donald Gutstein, “The Big Stall”
• Martin Keogh (Ed), “Hope Beneath Our Feet”
• Paul Hawken, “Drawdown”, “Blessed Unrest”
• Seth Klein, “A Good War”
• Robin Wall Kimmerer, “ Braiding Sweetgrass”
• Kathleen Dean Moore, “Moral Ground”, “Great Tide Rising”
• Thomas Berry, “The Great Work”, “The Christian Future and Fate of Earth”, “The Universe Story”
• Richard Powers, “Overstory”
• Catherine Bush, “Blaze Island”
• Doreen Vanderstoop, “Watershed”
• Hope Jahren, “The Story of More”
• Terry Tempest Williams, “Erosion”, plus just about anything she writes.
+ Various books by: Barry Lopez, Thomas Berry, Wendell Berry, Bill McKibben, David Suzuki, David Korten, Tim Flannery, Mary Oliver, Robert Sanford, Stephen Legault, Robert Bateman, Chris Turner, Rebecca Solnit, George Monbiot